Excessive Sweating

Stop excessive sweating at the source!

Working up a sweat on a jog or at the gym feels like an accomplishment. However, when it comes to clammy hands or sweating through your shirt, the feeling can be uncomfortable. Using medical Botox®, our team can help stop excessive sweating in areas like the underarms, hands, and feet!

What causes excessive sweating?

About 950,000 Canadians are affected by hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), a condition that prevents your sweat glands from shutting off. There are two different types of hyperhidrosis: primary and secondary.

Primary (focal) hyperhidrosis begins in childhood (around 12 years old) and has a familial link, though the cause is unknown and sufferers are typically otherwise healthy people. People with primary (focal) hyperhidrosis tend to have sweating localized to certain areas (e.g. hands, feet, face, underarms).

Secondary (generalized) hyperhidrosis results from medical conditions like nerve damage or menopause and/or medications and is characterized by sweating from your entire body.

How do you stop it?

By injecting Botox® into the affected areas, our experts can effectively reduce or stop excessive sweating altogether. To ensure any discomfort is minimal, a topical numbing cream is applied prior to the injection.

On average, patients experience a sweat reduction of 83% one week post-treatment using Botox®️ focal injections - with results lasting up to 7 months or more!

According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society: “Botox® is a natural, purified protein with the ability to temporarily block the secretion of the chemical that is responsible for ‘turning on’ the body’s sweat glands. By blocking or interrupting this chemical messenger, Botox® ‘turns off’ sweating in the area where it has been injected.”

Let’s Talk Excessive Sweating