EA Does Coolsculpting University


I’m writing from beautiful Pleasanton, California. A gorgeous suburb 40 minutes east of San Francisco. EA has a crew down here for advanced training for CoolSculpting®. Carol, Kristin, Diana, and I are just heading to the training center. We flew in last night so we didn’t get to see much in the dark.

I’m on week two of this silly cold. I think I blew my nose 158 times on the plane. People around me were taking cover!!


We just got back from our first day of training at the CoolSculpting® Training Center. After an intense day of the science behind CoolSculpting®, they treated us to dinner at the McGrail Winery settled into the mountains surrounding San Francisco. So sad that it was dark and rainy, so we couldn’t enjoy the landscape.

The food and wine, however, was incredible. They even finished off with a cheesecake bar. WHAAAT?? Yes, they served a whipped cheesecake then we got to pick our toppings from a selection of M&Ms, gummy bears, marshmallows, strawberries, fudge topping…OMG, good thing CoolSculpting® works!

Here’s a recap of our day. First of all, for those that don’t know, Allergan (The big pharma that produces Botox) just purchased Zeltiq (the medical company responsible for CoolSculpting®) for a whopping 2.48 BILLION dollars!  They are going to make CoolSculpting® a household word, just like they did with Botox.

“Pharmaceutical companies invest big when the science is proven. I’m very impressed even with the training that they provide to us. CoolSculpting® has the verified science, extremely satisfied patients, and durable results. CoolSculpting® is the #1 Non-Surgical Body Sculpting Procedure.”

I did find the science part of our day interesting. We heard from George, one of the head engineers with CoolSculpting®. He has been with the company from its inception and gave us a great history of where the CoolSculpting science came from. It started back it 1999 when a group of docs from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital set out to provide the theory that intense cold has the capability of permanently destroying fat cells.

Dr. Rex Anderson and Dr. Dieter Manstein developed targeted cryolipolysis. “Cryo” means intense cold and “lipolysis” means fat cell death. The intense cold causes stress and inflammation to the fat cells leading to cell death.  During clinical trials, they had over 500 patients treated and over 100 peer-reviewed clinical publications proving the efficacy of the treatment and the safety.

In the last few years, the scientists have further improved the safety and side effects. The new applicators which we have, now have Freeze Detect which is a patented protection against cold injury. Fat has a different freezing temperature. The new applicators have sensors that measure the temperature of the skin.

The applicator cooling surface extracts heat from the skin and fat and regulates the cooling. The cold induces crystal formation which causes injury to the fat cell. This is called apoptosis. Macrophages then remove the dead fat cells up to 4 months after the procedure. Each treatment produces a 20-25% reduction in fat cells. So depending on desired results, the second round of treatments may be desired. I personally am tickled pink with my first treatment. I may do another round to see how much more sculpted I can get!!


So what kind of fat does CoolSculpting® treat? Soft pliable pinchable fat. Perfect, that’s what most of have!! It’s also known as subcutaneous fat, is above the muscle and is squeezable. As opposed to visceral fat. Visceral fat is below the muscle. It is too deep. This is the kind of fat that only responds to diet and exercise. Sorry guys, the hard beer belly requires intense exercise and a strict diet!

Is it permanent? A big fat (or nonfat!) YES!! The number of fat cells we have is set by adolescence (with the exception of severe obesity, they may increase). After fat cells are eliminated, a patient will have less opportunity to store fat in the area where CoolSculpting® has been applied. With weight gain or loss, the fat volume in the remaining cells will increase or decrease, but fat cells will stay the same. Weight loss or gain is shrinking fat cells (think raisins) or expanding fat cells (think grapes). With CoolSculpting® a percentage of fat cells are actually destroyed so the overall volume stays low even with a bit of weight gain!! Yayyy!! I have experienced this over Christmas. Put on a few pounds but my stomach stayed flat!! Woohoo!!

Some melatonin and daily vitamins then off to bed. Goodnight!


Good Morning! Up early today, class starts at 8 a.m. A full day of hands-on treatments. Perfecting the application process. Today’s focus is really understanding people’s particular bodies and how their bulges are so different. Since CoolSculpting® reduces the volume of where the applicator head is placed it is crucial to do it properly.

If an area isn’t treated properly, it will be obvious in the fat that is left behind. Was so amazing today to see all the bodies that have been treated by CoolSculpting®. Big takeaway…you must treat the entire area because CoolSculpting® destroys fat cells where the applicators are placed. This training is so valuable to our team at EA. They are going to be amazing at this. We really are learning how to sculpt bodies


We left the training center at 6 p.m. and headed back to our hotel. Glass of wine in the lobby, then we met Yousef. Yousef immigrated from Afghanistan to the Silicon Valley 23 years ago. He is a mechanic for Toyota during the day, and a cab driver at night to put 4 kids through university.

We thoroughly enjoyed our chat and almost convinced him to bring his family to Canada (apparently the cost of living in the Silicon Valley is comparable to living in Vancouver ). Anyway, we asked him for his recommendations for dinner. We told him we wanted a cozy ambiance, possibly fireplaces, good food, and wine.

Yousef took us to Main Street in Pleasanton which kind of looks like our Whyte Ave, but with a beautiful tune of the century homes and preserved historic buildings everywhere.  His recommendation was perfect. We went to Barone’s and had the most amazing pasta. It looked like a very old Victorian home converted into a restaurant and apparently, the owner of the restaurant lives right next door. Great food and great conversation with Carol, Kristin, and Diana.

Recapping our day and discussing the things we want to implement to make our CoolSculpting® procedures the best in Canada. BTW, just got a report sent to us by our sales rep and apparently, we are in the top 20 in Canada already for CoolSculpting®. As we continue to get amazing results for patients, we expect to jump into top 10!!


Rise and shine at 6 a.m. to start our training day! It’s a half day and we plan on exploring this beautiful city after! Loved the food at Barone’s but I think I had more fat and carbs then I’ve had in a year, talk about a tummy ache!  We arrived at the Allergan Training Center and they have a huge breakfast spread for us. I am ready to get back to my EA Slim plan!

Today’s session was geared around doing a proper consultation and helping people to understand their goals. Picking the right candidate is crucial.  It’s up to us to make sure that we provide the best education and get great results. Sometimes we have to say no to patients if they are not good candidates. It is important that we are not just saying yes to everyone, and our clients paying for a procedure that will not provide optimal results. So just like everything we do, we will follow proper protocols to protect and provide great results.

The last presentation was done by Lindsay, the lady in charge of digital marketing for CoolSculpting®. It was just really interesting to hear about the brand awareness. Five years ago, only 1/10 people surveyed had heard of CoolSculpting®, and now that number is up to 4/10. Curious, did you know what CoolSculpting® was 6 months ago?

Lindsay was invited to attend a workshop with Google. She was shocked to be asked to sit down with the heads of Apple, Facebook, and Amazon. They told her that CoolSculpting® will be in the top 3 searches in 2018 according to Google Trends. Hmmm, I think we’re on to something fantastic!


So before I went to CoolSculpting® University, I was already impressed. Now, I’m even MORE impressed. When it comes to aesthetic procedures (facial injectables, laser tx, etc), results are very dependant on the training taken by the providers. We already had great training from our Alberta trainer, but now have risen above that. I love the way the way CoolSculpting® has set out to protect their reputation. Watch out for the scam artists who use “freezing fat” to get you through their doors with Groupon and other marketing schemes. If it doesn’t have the CoolSculpting® logo on the equipment, then it’s just a cheap replica. CoolSculpting® technology is patented and proven, trust the logo!

Wondering if you’re a candidate for this amazing procedure?  Someone who is fairly close to their ideal weight. Or has a  BMI between 22-30, which puts you within 20-25 pounds or so of your ideal weight makes this right for you! The fat that is resistant to diet and exercise will freeze away. Even slim bodies have stubborn fat pockets!

I love my results and our staff all feel the same. I feel like I have spent years trying to diet and exercise myself into a more sculpted body. One that is more confident. I think of the money spent over the years on stuff that didn’t work. Temporary fixes that are a big waste of time and hard-earned dollar bills. Has anyone else out there spent thousands on diets and online programs that did nothing?! CoolSculpting® really is a miracle.

As my results become apparent, I am feeling more and more confident. I want to continue exercising and eating well because it makes me feel good. I, however, am not going to torture myself with any more stupid extreme tactics. I feel that with CoolSculpting, I got a hallway pass. I can still enjoy some good food and wine and not beat myself up over it. CoolSculpting has been like a fairy godmother who sprinkled some magic on my hips and tummy!!

Check out my CoolSculpting Before & Afters! I cannot be more happy with the results ? Talk soon!


Happy Healthy Vaginas


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