Exfoliation! The Key To A Fresh, Glowing Skin.

Let’s talk: Exfoliation.

It’s “a-peeling” ? … get it?

There are so many benefits to exfoliation: Youthful fresh skin, glowing, smooth, even and bright skin!

If done right, nothing needs to be hidden and concealed under layers of makeup.

Our skin has a memory. It reaches back about 20 years. It remembers that summer when it got burned and dried out. It remembers the fierce winters it was outside, exposed and flagellated by the wind, snow and the dry furnace air. It remembers all the angry, all the sad and all the happy. The frowns and the smiles. The sun shining brightly in the eyes…

We forget, but our skin doesn’t. It is there, like an overzealous accountant, writing down everything, all the wrong done to it. Tanning, Makeup, Sweat, Toxins, the list goes on.

Despite all the damage, it will forgive and forget. It just needs attention, care, dedication, AND exfoliation. Exfoliation will provide a beautiful glow and lasting freshness. However, done improperly, it will be a desert landscape as your skin’s complexion.

“The Skin’s Main Purpose Is To Protect. To Do So It Needs To Be Strong. Like A Brick Wall.”

As a matter of fact, this is exactly how the skin is built:

The Dermis. At the base, the foundation is the dermis. It is stable and has all the anchors into the underlying ground – the fat and muscles. It has blood vessels to provide nutrition.

The Epidermis. The dermis supports the Epidermis. It builds, brick by brick, from the depths to the surface. The mortar – LIPID – holds them together. It is an impenetrable barrier. The first rows are solid, plump and even. The closer to the surface, the more moisture is lost, the more misshapen the skin cells are, lipid barrier is dissipating, the bricks are cracking and turn to dust :

Stratum Corneum. Also known as keratinized skin. The skin is discolored from the excess melanocytes the dermis had to build in the wall because of a sunburn. Rough, patchy pink coloration from the red blood cells leaked through when the vessels opened and closed to regulate the temperature difference. This skin texture is common in our winter climate,  the sun is still shining but do you think about sunscreen? Common ways to describe your skin include: Dry, Flaky, Rough…



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