How Much Does Botox Really Cost? We Reveal The Truth

"How much does Botox cost?"

This is probably the number one question that our Customer Service Reps get at our front desk. The answer is, “ it depends!” When clients call the clinic and ask this question we really can only give ranges.

Experienced patients are familiar with a cost per unit pricing structure. Most clinics, including External Affairs, charges $10 per unit for Botox, Dysport, Xoemin, and now Nuceiva in Canada.

What’s more important however, is how strong the muscles are on the person inquiring!

Why Botox Prices Vary

Let me explain. Botox dosing ( how much of the drug that is required) can vary from person to person.

For example, when one person frowns, the strength of the muscle contraction may be minimal. In this person, they may only require 15-20 units for their frown line which would cost $150-$200. A second patient may have very strong muscles in this area which may require 25-35 units which may cost $250-$350. And men typically have even stronger muscles in this area which may require 40-50 units which would cost $400-$500 to treat their frown lines.

Forehead Lines Price Range

Next we have the horizontal lines that run across the forehead. These lines are caused by the muscles that lift the eyebrows up and down. This makes this area very tricky to treat. Most women want all the lines gone but they also want a brow lift at the same time. I usually tell these gals that they have to decide what’s more important to them, lines gone or brows up! They need to be reminded that drugs like Botox and Dysport “relax” the muscle where they are injected. So we are always balancing this effect.

With the forehead, we can soften these lines while retaining the ability to lift the eyebrows up. So the dosing in this area is also very dependant on how strong the frontalis muscle is as well as the natural peak in the eyebrow and the size of the forehead. The factors will vary the dosing on the forehead between 4 and 25 units. Again, men may require a higher dose in the forehead (sorry guys!). To summarize, the cost for the forehead may range from $40-$250.

Crows Feet Price Range

Crows Feet are also a common area treated with neuromodulators ( Botox & Dysport). And just like the other areas mentioned, the amount of the drug required depends on how many lines are formed when the patient squeezes the eye closed or smiles. Dosing for this area typically ranges from 9-20units per side. This mean the cost would range from $180-$400 for crows feet.

The Lips

Ever heard of a “lip flip”? This usually refers to a treatment of Botox or Dysport where the injections are placed right along the upper border of the top lip known as the vermillion border. Most patients get away with 4-6 units along the top lip. Gals who really pucker their lips may benefit from injections on the lower lip as well.

Jawline, TMJ & Neck Bands Price Range

We also use Botox & Dysport to treat jawlines, TMJ, and neck bands. These treatments can range between $200-$600.

The Most Important Question To Ask..

So, the question to ask is “How much would it cost for ME?” Not how much per unit! There are injectors out there who quote a lower price per unit but then administer more units than required therefore actually costing you more!

What to do? Get a thorough consultation with your healthcare provider. Have them assess your goals, your muscles, and write down the cost for you. Then, as an informed patient, you can make a decision based on your desired outcome and your budget! These ranges for dosing should be thoroughly explained to you so that you can make an appropriate decision.

For a demo on a model explaining the Botox/Dysport/Xeomin/Nuceiva ( #NewTox) pricing structure, please watch this quick video on our youtube channel


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