Top 10 Beauty Trends for 2021

The “Fox Eye” Thread Lifts Coming Soon?!

My husband and I spent hours over the holiday season discussing our gratitude for things exactly as they are. It hasn’t all been good - our business was shut down twice, we haven’t seen our kids, and we deeply miss our parents. This last year was so different. But instead of harbouring lack and limitation, we chose to embrace the now. Since our home was not filled with family and friends as it usually is each year, my husband and I spent quality time talking, walking, laughing, and dancing! After a shot of caramel whisky, I was caught dancing around the kitchen with very little attire! Don’t worry, we pulled the blinds so as to not offend any neighbours. It’s the simple joys, like dancing in the kitchen, that I am grateful for.

It has been humbling to know that this darn virus has more dominance over our lives than any of us thought possible. Our team at EA was so amazing at lifting each other up and providing stress relief to our clients through self-care. How we take care of our skin, our bodies, our stresses, our health is often one of the only things we do have control over.

As we enter a new year, I often scroll through many websites to get a glimpse of trends for the upcoming year. Here’s our list of 2021 trends we’re watching in aesthetic medicine.

1. PDO Thread Lifts

A PDO thread lift subtly lifts facial features to reduce fine lines and wrinkles while encouraging collagen production for more volume in the treated areas. This was popularized by celebrities like Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid who are rumoured to have it done to achieve their famous “fox eye” look. It’s only just been approved in Canada! Finally! Pending approval for travel, our team has already lined up multiple training sessions with manufacturers. EA is hoping to have this procedure for brows, neck, jaw, and cheeks up and running by March!

2. Everything Eyes

Since wearing masks will continue well into 2021, brightening and enhancing the eyes will continue to be a focus. The best treatments for ah-mazing eyes include:

  • Brow wax and tint

  • Microbladed or Henna Brows

  • Brow lift with neuromodulators like Botox

  • Under-eye brightening with fillers

  • Permanent eyeliner

  • Long, luscious eyelashes with the use of Latisse or Eye EnvyThese are all services we offer!

3. Preventative Injectables

Injections of neuromodulators earlier in adulthood can resolve minor aesthetic issues, ultimately resulting in a generation of patients who may not need more extensive work later in life. The US has a new product hitting the market later this year called Daxi which has more longevity than Botox. We’ll keep you updated on costs and Health Canada approval… it might be on our 2022 list for Canada!

4. Skin Care for “Inflammaging”

Pandemic-related stress has shown up on our skin in multiple ways. Mascne, for one, has an inflammatory component, as evidenced by redness, breakouts, and irritation. Stress can also trigger flare-ups of eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, hives, cold sores, and other skin rashes. The increased use of hand sanitizers and harsh antiviral chemicals for cleaning have also wreaked havoc on our bodies as well as our faces. Chronic, low- grade inflammation breaks down collagen and elastin and can cause the skin to age more rapidly, aka “inflammaging”.

Lifestyle factors like smoking, sun exposure, poor diet, anxiety, and stress also increase the breakdown of collagen! EA’s top skin care picks to reverse inflammaging:

5. Micro Coring the Skin

The return of CO2 Resurfacing skin treatments! The last 10 years have produced multiple devices and lasers to treat mild scarring, fine lines, poor texture, and pigmented lesions, but requires 4-6 treatments to see an effect. Many skin care physicians are now seeing an increase in demand for more aggressive treatment with results after only 1 or 2 treatments. CO2 and Erbium lasers can do this! Our EA Team has been using our CO2 Mixto lasers for almost 10 years now. If you’re up for some healing downtime, these treatments are the gold standard for stimulating collagen.

6. Enhancement, Not Alteration

I came across the expression ‘Filler Fatigue’, used to describe the attempt to fight the aging process with too much filler, causing distortion of the face. We’ve all seen famous actresses decrease their natural beauty by trying too hard! At EA, we embrace the approach of full-face analysis and replace lost volume where it naturally used to be. We enhance everyone’s natural features, not change them.

7. Tightening The Neck

The jawline and the neck… my personal nemesis! This is an area we’ve seen multiple devices hit the market claiming to tighten and lift, but results were less than impressive. Last year, we started using DeOxycholate Acid in the jowls to reduce fat and crisp the jawline. But now, we’re excited to soon offer thread lifts to reposition the tissue. We will also continue to combine collagen stimulating products such as Sculptra in the neck with resurfacing products and treatments.

8. Cellulite Treatments

The first-ever cellulite injectable, called Qwo, will be rolling out this spring in the US. Perhaps in the near future, Canada will see approval for this drug, too! According to the makers of the drug, Endo Aesthetics, the drug erodes dimpling bands and also ramps up collagen synthesis to thicken skin. Until then, our CoolSculpting crew will continue to use CoolSculpting to decrease fat deposits on the belly, neck, flanks, the inner and outer thighs. You can also try this at-home solution: ZO® Skin Health Cellulite Control, a breakthrough blend of ingredients that works around the clock to minimize the visible signs of cellulite.

9. Nutrition to Boost Immunity and Skin Health

The nutrition known to build the immune system is also the same nutrients that help support collagen and healthy skin. Bump up the following in your diet:

  • Citrus fruits

  • Red bell peppers

  • Broccoli

  • Garlic

  • Ginger

  • Spinach

  • Yogurt

  • Almonds

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Turmeric

  • Green tea

  • Papaya

KiwiMaybe you’re wondering, “Ugh… can’t I just take a pill?” Yes! There are supplements on the market that will help build your immune system as well. At EA, we carry the Just For Life and Vitamin C supplements that have super high doses to cover everything!

10. At-Home Chemical Peels

Because most of us are leaving the house less, there’s been a rise in DIY home treatments! One of my favourites is the at-home chemical peel. It sounds so much more intimidating than it actually is! Our ZO® Skin Health Aggressive Anti-Aging Program is the best system to get results at home, without the lasers or medical treatments we offer at the clinic. Ask us if you’re interested in doing this at home and we can send you a detailed instruction list for fabulous results! Email us at

Looking forward to seeing you all in 2021!


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