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Exfoliation! The Key To A Fresh, Glowing Skin.

Let’s talk: Exfoliation. It’s “a-peeling” ? … get it? There are so many benefits to exfoliation: Youthful fresh skin, glowing, smooth, even and bright skin! If done right, nothing needs to be hidden and concealed under layers of makeup. Our skin has a memory. It reaches back about 20 years. It remembers that summer when it got burned and dried out….

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The Survival of Beauty

On a daily basis, I have clients ponder the idea that having cosmetic injections or even a skin treatment will be interpreted as being self-centered. “Am I being vain?” they ask. The guilt sets in, particularly in the over 40 crowd. I often reply with monologue about why it’s important for us (women more-so) to do things to increase our…

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Happy Healthy Vaginas

Last summer, I was chopping jalapeno peppers while making my famous salsa. I took a mid-salsa making break to go pee and accidentally touched my labia. Yowza!! Within about ten minutes, my vagina was on fire!!! This story reminds me of my recent experience with our new V-Lase intravaginal laser treatment that we’ve added to our O-Shot® for female sexual…

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EA Does Coolsculpting University

WEDNESDAY A.M I’m writing from beautiful Pleasanton, California. A gorgeous suburb 40 minutes east of San Francisco. EA has a crew down here for advanced training for CoolSculpting®. Carol, Kristin, Diana, and I are just heading to the training center. We flew in last night so we didn’t get to see much in the dark. I’m on week two of…

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Does Getting Botox and Dysport Hurt?

At least once a day I have a client that asks if Botox/Dysport hurts, and tell me how terrified they are of needles. NEEDLE FEARS AND PHOBIAS As a Public Health Nurse, I am quite familiar that fear of needles develops when you’re young. Even if you get your whole body tattooed, there is something psychologically different about a nurse…

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Why We Get Oily, Acne Prone Skin

Acne occurs when the oil produced by sebaceous glands does not reach the surface of the skin but is trapped in tiny pores or follicles. Keratinised skin may close off the pore causing the follicle wall to bulge, which creates a whitehead. If the pore stays open, the top surface of the oil may become oxidised creating a tough film…

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Nurse Sheena: Tech Neck

Most of us are consumed with our phones and computers each day. Studies show that young adults use their phone between 5-9 hours PER DAY. Being on your phone 24/7 can have some side effects though…If you’re like me and you hold your phone like this…you are at risk for TECH NECK. As an injector, I want to make sure my clients…

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The 7 Biggest Downsides of Hair Transplants

Until recently there have basically been three different types of hair transplants available that would help restore hair to its former glory: OLD SCHOOL HAIR TRANSPLANT This type of transplant requires that an elongated football of skin is removed from the lower back of the head, in the area that is normally resistant to male pattern baldness. The skin is…

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